
Apptainer (previously named Singularity) is a container system often used for packaging HPC applications. For us, apptainer is useful for distributing your compute jobs since you can specify the exact dependencies required for running. If your container runs on your machine, it will run on the distributed cluster!

As mentioned in the introduction, you must ensure that your container does not write to any directories that are not bound by the host system. This will be discussed further below, but suffice it to say that writing to apptainer's immutable filesystem will crash your compute job.

Versus Docker

There is an official documentation page discussing the differences between docker and apptainer here. There a few primary benefits for using apptainer from an implementation standpoint in distribute:

  1. Its easy to use GPU compute from apptainer
  2. Apptainer compiles down to a single .sif file that can easily be sent to the distribute server and passed to compute nodes
  3. Once your code has been packaged in apptainer, it is very easy to run it on paid HPC clusters

Overview of Apptainer configuration files

Apptainer definition files

This documentation is not the place to discuss the intricacies of apptainer. As a user, we have tried to make it as easy as possible to build an image that can run on distribute. The apptainer-common was purpose built to give you a good starting place with compilers and runtimes (including fortran, C++, openfoam, python3). Your definition file needs to look something like this:

Bootstrap: library
From: library://vanillabrooks/default/fluid-dynamics-common

%files from build
    # in here you copy files / directories from your host machine into the 
	# container so that they may be accessed and compiled. 
	# the sintax is:

	/path/to/host/file /path/to/container/file

    # install any extra packages required here
	# possibly with apt, or maybe pip3

%apprun distribute
    # execute your solver here
	# this section is called from a compute node

A (simplified) example of a definition file I have used is this:

Bootstrap: library
From: library://vanillabrooks/default/fluid-dynamics-common

	# copy over my files
	/home/brooks/github/hit3d/ /hit3d
	/home/brooks/github/hit3d-utils/ /hit3d-utils
	/home/brooks/github/vtk/ /vtk
	/home/brooks/github/vtk-analysis/ /vtk-analysis
	/home/brooks/github/fourier/ /fourier
	/home/brooks/github/ndarray-gradient/ /ndarray-gradient
	/home/brooks/github/matrix-notify/ /matrix-notify
	/home/brooks/github/distribute/ /distribute


	# add cargo to the environment
	export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/.cargo/bin"

	cd /hit3d-utils
	cargo install --path .
	ls -al /hit3d-utils

	cd /hit3d/src

	cd /vtk-analysis
	cargo install --path .

	# move the binaries we just installed to the root
	mv $HOME/.cargo/bin/hit3d-utils /hit3d/src
	mv $HOME/.cargo/bin/vtk-analysis /hit3d/src

	# remove directories that just take up space
	rm -rf /hit3d/.git
	rm -rf /hit3d/target/
	rm -rf /hit3d/src/output/
	rm -rf /hit3d-utils/.git
	rm -rf /hit3d-utils/target/

	# simplify some directories
	mv /hit3d/src/hit3d.x /hit3d.x

	# copy the binaries to the root
	mv /hit3d/src/vtk-analysis /vtk-analysis-exe
	mv /hit3d/src/hit3d-utils /hit3d-utils-exe

	mv /hit3d-utils/plots /plots

	mv /hit3d-utils/ /

%apprun distribute
	cd /
	python3 / $1

I want to emphasize one specific thing from this file: the %apprun distribute section is very important. On a node with 16 cores, your distribute section gets called like this:

apptainer run --app distribute 16

In reality, this call is actually slightly more complex (see below), but this command is illustrative of the point. You must ensure you pass the number of allowed cores down to whatever run script you are using. In our example:

%apprun distribute
	cd /
	python3 / $1

We make sure to pass down the 16 we received with $1 which corresponds to "the first argument that this bash script was called with". Similar to the python configuration, your python file is also responsible for parsing this value and running your solver with the appropriate number of cores. You can parse the $1 value you pass to python using the sys.argv value in your script:

import sys
allowed_processors = sys.argv[1]
allowed_processors_int = int(allowed_processors)
assert(allowed_processors_int, 16)

You must ensure that you use all available cores on the machine. If your code can only use a reduced number of cores, make sure you specify this in your capabilities section! Do not run single threaded processes on the distributed computing network - they will not go faster.

Full documentation on apptainer definition files can be found on the official site. If you are building an apptainer image based on nvidia HPC resources, your header would look something like this (nvidia documentation):

Bootstrap: docker

Building Apptainer Images

Compiling an apptainer definition file to a .sif file to run on the distribute compute is relatively simple (on linux). Run something like this:

mkdir ~/apptainer
APPTAINER_TMPDIR="~/apptainer" sudo -E apptainer build your-output-file.sif build.apptainer

where your-output-file.sif is the desired name of the .sif file that apptainer will spit out, and build.apptainer is the definition file you have built. The APPTAINER_TMPDIR="~/apptainer" portion of the command sets the APPTAINER_TMPDIR environment variable to a location on disk (~/apptainer) because apptainer / apptainer can often require more memory to compile the sif file than what is available on your computer (yes, more than your 64 GB). Since apptainer build requires root privileges, it must be run with sudo. The additional -E passed to sudo copies the environment variables from the host shell (which is needed for APPTAINER_TMPDIR)

Binding Volumes (Mutable Filesystems)

In order for your compute job to do meaningful work, you will likely save some files. But we know that apptainer image files are not mutable. The answer to this problem is binding volumes. A "volume" is container-language for a folder inside the container that actually corresponds to a folder on the host system. Since these special folders ("volumes") are actually part of the host computer's filesystem they can be written to without error. The process of mapping a folder in your container to a folder on the host system is called "binding".

With apptainer, the binding of volumes to a container happens at runtime. Since distribute wants you to have access to a folder to save things to (in python: ./distribute_save), as well as a folder to read the required_files you specified (in python: ./distribute_save). Apptainer makes these folders slightly easier to access by binding them to the root directory: /distribute_save and /input. When running your apptainer on the compute node with 16 cores, the following command is used to ensure that these bindings happen:

apptainer run apptainer_file.sif --app distribute --bind \

Note that the binding arguments are simply a comma separated list in the format folder_on_host:folder_in_container:rw where rw specifies that files in the folder are readable and writeable. If your configuration file for apptainer looks like this:

  batch_name: your_jobset_name
  namespace: example_namespace
  capabilities: []
    sif: execute_container.sif
      - path: file1.txt
      - path: file999.txt
        alias: file2.txt
    required_mounts: []
    - name: job_1
        - path: file3.txt
    - name: job_2
      required_files: []

When running job_1, the /input folder looks like this:

├── file1.txt
├── file2.txt
└── file3.txt

And when running job_2, the /input folder looks like this:

├── file1.txt
├── file2.txt

For a more detailed explanation of this behavior read the python configuration documentation.

Now a natural question you may have is this: If volume bindings are specified at runtime - and not within my apptainer definition file - how can I possibly get additional mutable folders? Am I stuck with writing to /input and /distribute_save? The answer is no! You can tell distribute what folders in your container you want to be mutable with the required_mounts key in the initialize section of your configuration. For example, in the hit3d solver (whose definition file is used as the example above), the following folder structure at / would be present at runtime:

├── distribute_save
├── hit3d-utils-exe
├── hit3d.x
├── input
├── plots
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
└── vtk-analysis-exe

However, hit3d requires a folder called output relative to itself. Since this folder is required, we might be (naively) tempted to simply add a call to mkdir /output in our %post section of the definition file. However, we would then be creating an immutable directory within the image. Instead, we simply just need to add this path to our configuration file:

  batch_name: your_jobset_name
  namespace: example_namespace
  capabilities: []
    sif: execute_container.sif
      - path: file1.txt
      - path: file999.txt
        alias: file2.txt
	  - /output				# <---- here
    - name: job_1
        - path: file3.txt
    - name: job_2
      required_files: []

By adding this line, your container will be invoked like this (on a 16 core machine):

apptainer run apptainer_file.sif --app distribute --bind \

Configuration File

A default configuration file can be generated with :

distribute template apptainer
  batch_name: your_jobset_name
  namespace: example_namespace
  matrix: ~
    - gfortran
    - python3
    - apptainer
    sif: execute_container.sif
      - path: /file/always/present/1.txt
        alias: optional_alias.txt
      - path: /another/file/2.json
        alias: ~
      - path: /maybe/python/
        alias: ~
      - /path/inside/container/to/mount
    - name: job_1
        - path: job_configuration_file.json
          alias: ~
        - path: job_configuration_file_with_alias.json
          alias: input.json

The meta section is identical to the meta section of python. For apptainer configurations, the only capability you need to specify is apptainer or apptainer. If you require your job to use a gpu, you can also specify a gpu capability.

The initialize section takes in a single .sif file that is built using the apptainer build command on a definition file, as well as some files that you always want to be available in the /input directory. Then, the required_mounts provides a way to bind mutable directories to the inside of the container. Make sure that the directory you are binding to does not actually exist in the container (but its parent directory does exist).

The job section is also very similar to the python configuration, but instead of taking python scripts and some files that should be present on the system, it exclusively takes required_files that should be present. This is discussed more in the next section.

Workflow Differences From Python

The largest difference you will encounter between the apptainer and python configurations is the way in which they are executed. While each python job has its own file that it may use for execution, the apptainer workflow simply relies on whatever occurs in %apprun distribute to read files from /input and execute the binary directly. Therefore, each job in the configuration file only operates on some additional input files and the .sif file never changes. This is slightly less flexible than the python configuration (which allows for individual python files to run each job), but by storing your input files in some intermediate structure (like json) this difficulty can be easily overcome.

Debugging Apptainer Jobs / Example

Because there are a lot of ways that your job might go wrong, you can use the distribute run command to run an apptainer configuration file in place. As an example, take this test that is required to compile and run in the project. The apptainer definition file is:

Bootstrap: library
From: ubuntu:20.04

	./ /

	apt-get update -y
	apt install python3 -y

%apprun distribute
    cd /
    python3 / $1 is:

import sys

def main():
    procs = int(sys.argv[1])
    print(f"running with {procs} processors")

    print("writing to /dir1")
    with open("/dir1/file1.txt", "w") as f:
        f.write("checking mutability of file system")

    print("writing to /dir2")
    with open("/dir2/file2.txt", "w") as f:
        f.write("checking mutability of file system")

    # read some input files from /input

    print("reading input files")
    with open("/input/input.txt", "r") as f:
        text =
        num = int(text)

    with open("/distribute_save/simulated_output.txt", "w") as f:
        square = num * num
        f.write(f"the square of the input was {square}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

input_1.txt is:


input_2.txt is:


and distribute-jobs.yaml is:

  batch_name: some_batch
  namespace: some_namespace
  capabilities: []
    sif: apptainer_local.sif
    required_files: []
      - /dir1
      - /dir2
    - name: job_1
        - path: input_1.txt
          alias: input.txt
    - name: job_2
        - path: input_2.txt
          alias: input.txt

the apptainer definition file can be built with these instructions. Then, execute the job locally:

distribute run distribute-jobs.yaml --save-dir output --clean-save

The output directory structure looks like this:

├── archived_files
│   ├── job_1
│   │   ├── job_1_output.txt
│   │   └── simulated_output.txt
│   └── job_2
│       ├── job_2_output.txt
│       └── simulated_output.txt
├── _bind_path_0
│   └── file1.txt
├── _bind_path_1
│   └── file2.txt
├── distribute_save
├── initial_files
├── input
│   └── input.txt
└── apptainer_file.sif

This shows that we were able to write to additional folders on the host system (_bind_path_x), as well as read and write output files. Its worth noting that if this job was run on the distributed server, it would not be archived the same (archive_files directory is simply a way to save distribute_save without deleting data). The structure on the server would look like this:

├── some_batch
    ├── job_1
    │   ├── job_1_output.txt
    │   └── simulated_output.txt
    └── job_2
        ├── job_2_output.txt
        └── simulated_output.txt

The outputs of the two simulated_output.txt files are:

the square of the input was 100


the square of the input was 225